Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yet Another Novel Update

After much discussion and speculation on the state of my novel in the previous post’s comments I hereby present to you, most fastidious reader, a crisp and newly composed excerpt...

The Book Of Ouroboros: Excerpt 2.doc

I’m now 84,000 words into the story and my initial estimate of 120,000 words to complete it now seem hopelessly optimistic. However, the plot is unfolding nicely and I’m happy with the overall progress... so I’m just going to run with the ball and see where it leads me.

Hope you all enjoy...


-eve- said...

Thanks (downloaded it to read when i'm free... :-) )

Daisy said...

steve...just a comment on thing i regret is writing while my son was little, but not about him or the experiences i had...while colic isn't funny today, it will be 10 years from now...the things you are experiencing with your child will only happen one time...and while i am not suggesting you write a book today on them...just write them down for the future so you have them to go back to and can write something you can both enjoy...i know you think you will never forget things, but quite honestly even five years down the road you will and you will miss out on the greatest book ever because it is the only one that will be truly obviously have the ability to write and i am of course just making a suggestion...

Steve said...

Thanks Eve, I look forward to receiving your views!

Hi Daisy, I know what you mean and am grateful that running this blog gives me plenty of opportunity to record every day life and passing thoughts, including little family adventures (Tom's colic seems a little easier, by the way, but the trouble we have now is that he is refusing to settle during the day and wants feeding every 2 hours - it's driving Karen scatty)!

Daisy said...

steve...this will go against everything everyone tells you but, i did learn a very valuable lesson from my great grandmother...she told me to give my baby what he wanted when he wanted it and he will be satisfied and relax...and he did...once they find out they are not going to be in pain (colic) and will be taken care of (feeding) they do relax and start sleeping better...just make sure that you and mom are happy when you are doing this and relaxed...when you are stressed (and believe me it is hard not to be) the child feels it and reacts to it...even if you have to let him cry for a moment longer so you can just stretch and shake your arms out and get that relaxation DO is so important and will make him feel that he is not causing stress...even though at times he is...good luck...there is no book that is written which encompasses's all an experience and anything you do will be right...and wrong...just go forward and change as he changes...

Steve said...

All good advice - "locked and loaded"! Many thanks, Daisy.


I am so impressed, recently I can barely keep up with my blog let alone write a book.WELL DONE.

Steve said...

Thanks Ally, I must admit it's hard work juggling so much - especially with a baby around - but if I didn't write I think I would go mad... it's very much part of my coping strategy!

Daisy said...

i hope you didn't take my post wrong steve...i was not presuming you didn't know how to handle a's just that they are all so different and usually when you discuss things with other people something may work...please take it just as the good hearted thoughts they are and not some pretentious know it all...i am aware i do not...but am willing to share what i do...

Steve said...

Don't worry Daisy, all advice and perspective from other people are gratefully received. We're starting to see that Tom is a bit of a law unto himself and there doesn't appear to be a set rule for dealing with him! However, despite that he's a very happy baby so we must be doing something right! It's certainly very entertaining having him around! :-)

-eve- said...

I liked this chapter better than the last :-) Found it more interesting, and the flow was good (no pauses or questions about 'how does this fit' surfaced in my mind). I especially liked the passage about how she never stays on her side (cos i've heard it said before by married people, but you put it in words so well). And the looking under the bed part was unexpected and exciting...

So it's all good... your novel seems to be getting better the more you write... :-)

Steve said...

Thank you, Eve, for your comments and for taking the time to read the excerpt!