Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I’m feeling very out of sorts today. Too much stress and pressure being the major contributors.

I seem to have landed myself and my web design business with a couple of real a-hole clients. I won’t go into detail other than to say they are some of the most ignorant, feckless, arrogant, down-right rude people I have ever had to deal with.

I’m now at the stage where I’ve decided that the extra money their work generates just isn’t worth the hassle and trauma that inevitably comes with it. The whole idea of working for myself was to get away from working for idiots.

Anyway, though I could potentially be committing financial suicide (well, not quite – I still have my day job) I’ve decided to give these troublesome clients 2 month’s notice before I withdraw my services. I need and want to spend more time with my family – especially Karen who’s undergoing a very exhausting pregnancy.

The loss of earnings will be painful. But already I feel so much happier in myself, it’s unbelievable.

I’m counting down the days already.



Is it not possible to add a screen that pops up on these web sites which says something like THIS WEBSITE IS OWNED BY A COMPLETE TOSSER?

Steve said...

What a fabulous idea! And could easily be done too. However I think it would prevent me from acquiring any new business! Mind you if I marketed the idea to other web designers I could possibly make more money that way than by doing the web design itself!

Rol said...

Clients are the bane of my existence. My own job would be almost bearable without them. At least you have the luxury of getting shut - hope it doesn't affect the finances too much.

The only thing worse than clients are advertising agency leeches...

Steve said...

I know what you mean - the work is enjoyable and creative; the clients are shit and unimaginatively fiscal.

Old Cheeser said...

Oh dear, I was actually thinking of going freelance when I finish my current job! I guess wherever one goes, whatever one does, in life it's an unfortunate truth that one still has to put up with personages with attitude. Doesn't one?

TimeWarden said...

I think that feeling of happiness you mention, at the end of your post, is what comes with real freedom. It's like being able to see light at the end of a tunnel when you know something is going to finish.

No question, you've made the right decision. I'm sure Karen will appreciate your time far more than any amount of money. I hope everything goes well for all your family. Best wishes, Tim.

Steve said...

Hi Old Cheeser, it's true I'm afraid, no matter what you do, you will always encounter unpleasant people. At least when you work for yourself though you do have the ultimate decision to kick them into touch!

Much appreciated Tim, and you're totally right. The money is nice but regaining head space and time is much more valuable. Plus all is not lost - I have a couple of web site commissions forthcoming from friends and family of friends; people I know, trust and like!

-eve- said...

I know just how you feel. It's good that you stopped. They're not worth your effort.

Steve said...

Absolutely. It comes down to the most basic of choices: do I want to be miserable or do I want to be happy?

I don't even have to think about it!