Thursday, August 30, 2007


Over the last few weeks the BBC's new super series Heroes has impinged rather pleasantly and gently on my psyche – and Karen’s too. Sure there’s been hype about it but, to me at least, it’s felt restrained and controlled. None of the unhinged hysteria that normally accompanies the “next big thing”.

It’s weird discovering which of the characters appeals most to friends and family – it’s like they’re some sort of astrological archetype. Ah, you were born in the year of the Hiro. You have a strong desire to stop the merry-go-round and get off. You like things to be arranged nicely in the nick of time.

Hiro Nakamura certainly possesses Karen’s hero ability of choice and I can definitely see the advantage of being able to stop time and space around you. The possibilities would be endless. You would be able to do anything. Take a few hours sleep whenever you felt like it – nobody would know. Enjoy the countryside and then return to your workstation with no-one none the wiser. For some reason it feels quite a grown up, logical, well thought out choice and fair play to Karen for leaning in that direction.

For my part I must confess to liking the (perhaps traditional) ability of Nathan Petrelli – the power of self propelled flight. I’m aware that I’m imposing some sort of hierarchy on the heroes’ superpowers but the power of flight – or rather the desire for it – seems to have a more day-dreamy, childish appeal; it feels less grown up than being able to manipulate space-time. We all have dreams of flying and most of us at some point secretly wonder how it would feel to be able to fly. Stopping the space time continuum seems very sciencey by comparison. I guess I’m saying I’m more of a dreamer than someone who has a desire to meddle with the metaphysics of the universe.

Like I said: astrological archetypes. I was obviously born in the year of the flying pig. Or the cloud cuckoo.

I do however have a sneaky admiration for the “power” (if you can call it that) of Niki Sanders. Although having a super-strong and totally ruthless alter ego seems quite sinister and disturbing on the face of it I can see the advantage of being able to switch to a more calculating, fearless, Machiavellian mode of behaviour when circumstances demand it. My God, I could use some of that right now in my dealings with my little clique of nefarious web clients. I guess my sneaky admiration has its root in the simple fact that I’m not particularly ruthless or confident in my dealings with other people – for all I may come over all bolshi and strident on this blog.

It would be nice to be able to kick ass occasionally.

So. All this begs the question: which superhero are you and why?


Old Cheeser said...

I would be Super Simon of course. Not a very original name.

I have never watched "Heroes" but heard many good things about it. Is it worthy of the hype? And more importantly, is it as good as "Dr Who"?

Steve said...

It's certainly worthy of the hype - there's an elegance and confidence about the story that I very much like.

Comparing it to Dr Who... oooh, now that's one debate I wouldn't like to kick-start! However, I do think the story and the characters do put some of RTD's outings to shame...

The Poet Laura-eate said...

A better version of oneself is the finest universal (and ongoing) aspiration I can think of.

Sorry, that doesn't sound very snappy on a T-shirt does it? Probably wouldn't make very good telly either.

But I guess if we all become our own heroes, we don't keep needing to be rescued, so that's a plus!

Old Cheeser said...

Sounds interesting and worth checking out...just don't seem to get the time these days!

I'm sure you're probably right in your RTD comparison, he does leave something to be desired...

Steve said...

Hi Laura,

Oh I don't know: "A better version of oneself is the finest universal (and ongoing) aspiration I can think of" sounds a pretty good idea for a gimmicky T-shirt actually. I've certainly seen a lot worse and anything that's an improvement on "I'm with this idiot" has got to be a step in the right direction!

Super Simon - it's definitely worth checking out... but it sounds like you need the ability to warp the space-time continuum just to catch it!

-eve- said...

I've never watched Heroes either. From your account, it does sound interesting, though. Plays on one's fantasy...

TimeWarden said...

I'd wanna be Hiro, Steve, no question! And not just because of his power but because of his take on life. Don't you think Masi Oka would make an interesting Doctor? His excitedness is so much more natural than Tennant's forced ebullience.

One thing though... if you can stop time, and fit more things into your life, you're surely going to feel more tired at the end of your longer days! Handy if you wanna continue writing a blog though!!

Steve said...

Hi TimeWarden - thanks for dropping by! It's an interesting idea and I think you're right. Masi would make a terrific doctor and totally open things up. What I like about Masi is his ability to go from complete childlike happy-happy freak-out to calm, still, introspection and still make it totally believable. There's no hint of charicature at all... which sadly is not praise that could be levelled at Tennant's doctor, as much as I like him.

The Sagittarian said...

Me and my kids LOVE this programme. Yes ok call the child prtoection people, the way this country is going my kids will be grown and away before they get onto me! However, I too like Peter Petrelli....also his little brother who has also (miraculously?) starred in the Fergie video "big girls don't cry" there a secret Hero message there?
Nah, close second to dr Who. The Dr rules in our house!!
In some of my more obtuse moments I like to think of myself as Peter's mama, the Ice Queen...reality brings me back to earth real quick. Show me a mal treated puppy and I'm a mess.
Slot me in for Wonder Woman. Minus the pointy bra-things. Of course.

Steve said...

Hi Amanda, Wonder Woman it is though the pointy bra-things are something of a prerequisite!

Peter's mother is real scary. For some reason she reminds me of Cherie Blair but with a slighly less coat-hanger mouth. And Nathan Petrelli's whole head seems impossibly long and square... Hmm. Super heroes they might be but even they cannot escape the debilitating effects of body fascism!

The Poet Laura-eate said...

"Celebrity Trapped in a Nobody" is the legend on my T-shirt.

Available from my online shop at
The Poet Laura-eate along with many other items of 'witwear'!

Steve said...

Can you make a T-shirt for me with "Nobody Trapped In A T-shirt" printed onto it? ;-)


We love Hiro and his mate, we find them so funny. I also like Nicky because she has the ability to deal with people who piss her off(though she does go a little far at times!).
This is going to sound really boring and predictable, me being a nurse, but I would like the ability to heal.
I do however think that Micah's super powers are not too shabby, the ability to get an ATM to give you unlimited supplies of money sounds good to me.

Steve said...

Very true, Ally... if my boy has that ability I'd take him out shopping far more often...!

Anonymous said...

Heroes, sorry to have to tell you zany Brits, HEROES IS AN AMERICAN MADE SHOW produced by NEC/Universal Studios, it is NOT a BBC Super series or what ever you wacks wanna call it! The first season was great but something has transformed it into everything else on US Television, its become pop-predictable with very un-likeable new characters (Like the very ugly, low talented annoying acting ability of Kriten Bell!), I Cant wait for the episode where she gets killed OFF!, It's a decent show, but i would in NO WAY ever compare this to the immortalized "Dr Who" series, we have been getting "Dr Who" episodes here since I was a young child, starting I believe with the 3rd Dr. who was my personal favorite, (Not to mention Billie Piper!(YUM!)and I have always been a big fan of the "Dr Who" show, but if you blokes want a truly good show without all the childish drama and goofy marvel comics like special effects that I feel tend to ruin an acting show and turn it into another "nothing to hear but maybe something cool to watch show", so if your real desperate for something absolutely NEW, than just wait till a US show called "The Shield" get over the pond to you people!, The Shield by far is one of the very very FEW good American shows to have come along in years! Michael Chiklis is great in it, his character is a much bigger monster (at times) than his "Thing" character in the Fantastic 4 films, Not wanting to give anything of teh show away, i'll simply let you folks see it for yourselves ! enjoy, chow bella's

Steve said...

Dear Anonymous (what a catchy name), many thanks for the elucidation and for the tip-off about the next great thing to come out of the US - I look forward to it reaching out shores soon. Regarding the "BBC super series thing" - that was simply a reference to the fact that the BBC were the channel broadcasting it here. I was well aware - as indeed was every single person in the UK - that it was an American import... mainly because of all the press, hype and media shebang that told us so. It was a mute point my friend. It went without saying. :-)