1) Despite my sunny demeanour I secretly hate all of you and bad mouth the lot of you as soon as your backs are turned. Had someone trolling on your blog? That was me. Had someone bombard your comments box with spam selling cheap Viagra and Russian sex web sites? That was me too. Yeah, and I’m glad I did it ‘cos I know it really wound you up.
2) The above is just a cover story for the fact I love you all and secretly fantasize about sleeping with all of you – yes, you included, Rol. I have already composed a sexual shopping list individually tailored to each of you and designed to bring you all to the height of ecstatic abandon and I am going to publish it in your local newspapers next week. Oh. And email it to your mother / father / children / employer. With photos. And hair clippings.
3) All the world leaders see me as an agony uncle and regularly write to me for advice on how to deal with world matters and issues of national security. The current state of the world is all down to me. But before you start slagging me off just bear in mind that I have prevented a nuclear war from occurring on numerous occasions and single-handedly stopped a custard bomb from exploding in the heart of London last month. Yeah. You didn’t know that, did you? After encouraging Arab Leaders to get into Bugsy Malone the new weapons of choice are batter guns and custard bombs. I can also reveal that the Yanks are developing a full-fat mayonnaise grenade. Take my advice when travelling to America: arm yourself with a good salad.
4) The Yanks do not see our politicians as light weights and non-runners but rather hero worship them in an abandon that can only be described as orgiastic. In my role as diplomatic major domo I have frequently had to shoe-horn American politicians into and out of some choice English politico’s butt. It’s a dirty job but I get well paid for it. So yes. If you want to view it in those terms, I pimp out our MPs to the likes of Barack Obama and Sarah [im]Palin. I have photos on my mobile phone to prove it including one of Nick Clegg being happy-slapped by American Vice President, Joe Biden. Boy, does that man take his job title seriously.
5) The BP oil disaster was down to me. I honestly thought building a well cap out of Lego would be a great idea. Possibly the castle motif on top with a working drawbridge weakened the structure but hey, what was I to know? I’m not a friggin’ engineer!
6) The World Cup. The Russians paid me handsomely. That’s all I’m saying. Frankly I hate football and think it a shite game. Overpaid, oversexed and now over there in the frigging ice fields. Serves ‘em right. All you footie fans travelling to Moscow...? I’m planting counter-intelligence evidence on the lot of you. Don’t waste your money on plane tickets home ‘cos you won’t be leaving. The rest of you can write to the Queen – there’s still time before the honour’s list is published.
7) I’ve wasted enough time / energy / brain cells composing this for your entertainment and to be honest I’m not sure any of you are worth it.
8) Please see no. 2. I shall be doing you all in alphabetical order. Please ensure you all shower first (and, yes, that includes you, Rol).

"Sexual shopping list" has to be my phrase of the day. it should be an album title. or a band name.
OR the title of your next novel!
Phew! Could've been worse... at least you didn't mention the toenail clippings.
Misssy M: I'm thinking of introducing a clubcard or 2 for 1 vouchers. Or even BOGOFs.
The Dotterel: I'm saving that for when you're earning a lot more money.
Do you have pics of me having that fight outside the chip shop when I was 17? I'll deny everything. It's a fishy story for sure.
Clippy Mat: you're the one with the tattoos, right?
Ha! Well, you were kinder than I expected...
Michelloui: "you were kinder than I expected..." Eh? *narrows eyes* Just what are you insinuating...?
I seriously like the idea of clubcard points on sexual favours, I could trade them in for an evening with the remote control (although hubby presumably wouldn't accept trade ins on points gained on your doing over). I also can't believe I am sat here working out which of your regulars come before K!!! I need a life.
Kelloggsville: no need to fret - everybody is alphabetized in my sidebar. I've had this planned a long time. I have the rota drawn up all ready. Please keep the third week of January free.
I am too disturbed for words right now.
Still, it's the best offer I've had this week. I'll be round as soon as I get out of the shower.
Rol: pits and bits, please - make sure they're nicely soaped up.
Alphabetical order? Can I go by my last name or do I have to wait until you get to W? Oh damn... I'm not on your sidebar (puts negligee back in closet and sighs).
Wanderlust: I can soon remedy that. May have to give you priority seating to make up for my oversight...!
Alphabetical - gulp! Is that real names or blog names? And to think I always used to complain about being at the end of the register at school because my maiden name began with W
The butt-shoehorning sounds credible to me. Big political beasts are like elephants - they need help to get into position. How many Lego model villages have you visited?
A - A - A!!! I hope you start from me! ...if you can find me under this montains of snow.....have a warm weekend. Ciao. A.
I expected more. Surely two at a time at least.
Phew lucky escape! I'm not on the sidebar either but thats 'cos you don't like us Christian's isn't it Steve? I think I recall you posting that once people talk about their religion you are off...
I keep coming back here though, you are my light relief (now that sounds swriously dubious!) lol
Mich x
Alienne: buckle up, baby, it's going to be quite a ride!
Troll-in-Chief: a traitor to my country but never a traitor to my conscience.
Gorilla Bananas: only one. At Windsor. But I've been numerous times.
Lunarossa: light a couple of flares and I'll find you; that's a promise.
Mark: I don't like to show off.
Michelle: I don't mind Christians as long as they don't spout anti-communist tirades while they're cleaning my windows or exorcising distressed girls at my place of employment. Both of which have happened to me over the last 2 years. However, I don't think all Christians are like that so I will gladly add you to my sidebar - apologies for not having done it before. Do hope you will forgive me. ;-)
Oh dear...not,I beg of you, during a Test Match....
OMG, I heading to Somalia, you will never find me there ! And if you do try, we will kidnap you, demanding ransom be paid in diplomatic cables... cables which we will then whip you with after dressing you in black latex. OK ?
OMG one of the only bitch fights I was in was outside the fish and chip shop when I was about 17 LOL
Make way! I'm off to the shower!
The fly in the web: really? Or I could knock you for 6 with my bedroom prowess? ;-)
Owen: now that's what I call a party invite!
Vicky: I know. I have the photos and the witness statements. I'm coming for you.
Femminismo: attagirl!
As long as you're not planning to close any libraries...
Laura: only temporarily as a venue for our rendezvous, nudge nudge wink wink.
Custard bombs eh? I for one would welcome a pelting.
I nearly missed this, I was too long in the shower...
Löst Jimmy: do you prefer it with the skin on or the skin off?
MissBehaving: if there's room for 2 in your shower then it won't be a problem.
Hey Kellogsville. Get in line, KEI comes before KEL.
Literally !
Keith: now you're fighting over me? This just gets better and better!
So, finally having a name starting with A is going to pay off!
Amanda: go easy on me. I have the rest of the alphabet to get through... ;-)
Geez, well I'll just take my place behind the other W's. Can you hurry it along there, Steve? I've a cake baking.
Will it be a threesome with Dani Harmer?!!
Being Me: if it's chocolate you can move to the front of the queue...!
TimeWarden: only if her agent agrees.
A bit late to this party are'nt I?
I have lived a sheltered life.
This is all new to me.
La la la la la la la *skips off down the lane with her skirt tucked into her knickers*
Libby: do I detect a note of relief in your tone? ;-)
LCM: see, that just says to me, "chase me, chase me"...
You couldn't put any incriminating photos of me in the local paper that would top the ones that have been in there already!
Trish: damn. Have you set the bar pretty high?
You had me at hair clippings.
Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip: they're already in the post...
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