Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Few Funnies

It's been a long, tiring day folks... so here's a few second hand funnies found on the internet in lieu of me writing anything original, interesting or witty of my own...

Seen in a Coventry Factory:
Any member of staff who needs to take the day off to go to a funeral must warn the foreman on the morning of the match

Sign outside a church in Hemel Hempstead:
The last world war. Where and when will it be fought? St. Margaret's, Hartford Street on Tuesday 22nd February at 7:00 p.m.

On a church door:
'This is the gate of Heaven. Enter Ye all by this door.' (This door is kept locked because of the draught. Please use side door.)

Sign on a repair shop door:
We can repair anything. (Please knock hard on the door - the bell doesn't work)


-eve- said...

Well, at least that's given me one chance to smile today....:-) Thank you.;-)

TimeWarden said...

Loved the jokes, Steve. Have saved them ready to pass onto unsuspecting recipients!


Having had a very 'dodgy' religious upbringing the religious jokes tickled my warped sense of humour. I especially like the 'this door is kept locked'.
I have a very Dave Allen approach to religion.

Steve said...

I would honestly recommend no other approach! ;-)