Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Stuff Of Nightmares

This morning Karen got Mothering Sunday off to a good start by telling me of the dream she'd had last night…

It seems we were having a big party and for some inexplicable reason we’d invited Jamie Oliver along (hopefully not to do the catering). Each time Karen tried to get into the bathroom to use the toilet she found Jamie Oliver just leaving the facilities. Upon closer inspection she found that Jamie’s bathroom manners left much to be desired… basically pukka poo splattered all over the bowl and all over the seat to boot. Disgusting. Three times this occurred in the dream.

Anyway. Maybe it’s the “three” motif but it reminded me of the Old Testament story of Pharaoh’s dream of three fat cows and three thin cows and how Joseph correctly interpreted the dream to save Egypt from famine.

I feel the dream is significant in some way but can’t fathom it out. I need a modern day Joseph to analyse it and tell me what it means.

Any ideas, anyone?


-eve- said...

LOL! Well, I'm no Joseph (notice that unlike Joseph, I'm not giving credit to God for the interpretation), but I'd guess that Karen's been thinking about healthy food, AND about Jamie Oliver; but at the same time, he seems too good to be true; so she's been telling herself that he probably has some disgusting personal habits which make him less than perfect, and make YOU the better man ;-). But 3 times? Perhaps to drive the message home...:-)

TimeWarden said...

Probably to do with the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

And, you'll probably end up a ghost with Jamie's recipe for school dinners! In my day, it was marble sponge pudding and chocolate sauce!! The marble sponge was made up of three colours. Curiouser and curiouser...

Steve said...

The Technicolored Marble Sponge? Hmm. I have an idea for a musical...

My favourite pudding at school was "chocolate cracknel and mint custard" - basically a baked pudding made from cornflakes and melted chocolate slathered in green, vaguely minty custard. Somehow I can't see Jamie Oliver approving...


And the moral of the story is........... don't eat any of Jamies cooking or you might end up with the squits!