It’s been a while since someone has hit me with a meme. And a lot longer since I’ve opened the sash window on my ivory tower, looked out and deigned to reply. Today then is a special day.
For this meme, I have Tim to thank over at
Bringing Up Charlie. I’ve been set 10 questions which I have to answer or a stern school mistress will spank my bottom to within an inch of snapping the elasticated waistband of my Y-fronts. I must then set my own questions and pass them on to some other poor unsuspecting blogger who will have to take a break from composing their current blogging manifesto to answer them.
Here then are Tim’s questions and my answers:
1. If Hitler had won, Goebbels had none and Franz Joseph was blessed with three, what was the score after extra time after the match had gone to penalties?
A. 4-1 to Germany and the English football team sent home in disgrace to be pilloried on the streets of every major UK city before having their legs broken, sawn off and used as golf clubs by fat, retired London Palladium comedians.
2. How is it that a calendar - which had no moving parts - can, unlike a stopped clock, still record the passage of time?
A. It doesn’t. It merely represents graphically a set number of days which require a human agency to interpret as the passing of time. Also, may I remind you, that a stopped clock is correct twice a day? More pertinently why won’t my knackered old VCR record the dodgy German channels on Cable?
3. Is the King of France bald?
A. Possibly not as research seems to suggest that human hair is one of the last things to decompose. It is unknown whether he sported a Brazilian.
4. Seaside or countryside?
A. Countryside – green lushness, shimmering grasses, rolling mountains, cool valleys, birdsong, foxes and deer; no penny arcades, amusement parks or misogynist comedians. Enough said.
5. Why is the sky blue?
A. Oxygen. Pure and simple. Oxygen filters or reflects blue light or something. Google it.
6. Does God exist?
A. In the minds of the faithful, yes. The question should be: does God exist as an independent, omniscient entity? To answer that question I may have to die. How badly do you want me to complete this meme?
7. What is the meaning of life?
A. To evolve both physically, mentally and spiritually both as a race and as individuals.
8. Why do flies always find a way through the smallest of gaps even though they've got the entire WORLD to fly around, yet find it impossible to find their way out once they're in your house?
A. They are lonely and just want a quick kiss and a cuddle before they leave. No tongues please.
9. Do bees have ears?
Not as we know them but they can sense vibrations. Stick a dildo into a bee’s nest and they’ll think it’s a rave.
10. Are blogs the future?
A. No, blogs are now. Only tomorrow is the future.
Well, I consider that exam well and truly passed. Now for my ten questions – and I am going to tag the following: Gappy @
Single Parenthood, Fran @
Being Me, Heather @
Notes From Lapland and
1. God gives you a free ticket to spend the night with absolutely anybody in the world and the entirety of history – whom do you choose?
2. Frankie Howard or Frankie Boyle? (This is a separate question and is not related to no. 1 above.)
3. What life skill or ability do you wish you possessed?
4. If it takes Johnny three hours to fill a bath with water using a colander and a train travelling at 90mph takes 2 hours to reach its destination why does Britain no longer have the right to call itself Great?
5. Have you ever genuinely wished to be a member of the opposite sex (or are you that already)?
6. Do you have any embarrassingly weird interests or hobbies – and if so please explain in detail?
7. Dance, Punk, Goth, Metal, Grunge, Pop, Country, Folk or Classical? The choice is yours.
8. If you could change anything about your current lifestyle / life situation, what would it be? And what would you keep?
9. If you were a packet of crisps what flavour would you be?
10. Describe the sandwich of the gods.
And just to prove that I never ask people to do something I wouldn’t do myself here are my own answers to the above:
1. Cheryl Ladd circa 1980 (see picture above).
2. Tough one this. I like both (ooh! Nay, nay and thrice nay!). Mr Howard definitely in my coy youth but Boyle takes the biscuit now that I am cynical and politicised.
3. I wish I could sword fight. I’m talking claymore’s here, not girly fencing foils.
4. (A) We were ruined by Thatcher. (B) The dismantling of the NHS. (C) The growing cult of celebrity for celebrity’s sake and (D) No proper discipline in our schools.
5. Only when I was 15 and desperate to know what a pair of breasts felt like.
6. Y’all probably know this already. I am a dedicated fan / collector of Lego and have a collection worth over £10k.
7. A bit of Pop, a bit of Metal, quite a lot of Goth, never ever Dance.
8. More income, less outcome. I’d keep the wife and kids. And the Lego.
9. Barbecued Beef.
10. Chips (proper chip shop chips), curry sauce, roast chicken, mushy peas, red onion and garlic. On white.
Right, over to you! If anyone else fancies having a go... go ahead and fill yer boots!