My own Union was well represented although I myself did not attend the march due to personal reasons. Ironically I joked to a colleague last week that I wasn’t going as, if I wanted to have my ribs smashed by a policeman’s truncheon, I could easily do that in my own hometown on a Saturday night merely by pissing on the windscreen of the police surveillance van (though the chances are they wouldn’t see me).
The legitimate portion of the march – the largest portion – was, I think, a success. A success in that it was well organized, peaceful and had something (if news reports can be believed) of a “carnival atmosphere”. (What? Bearded ladies? Fire eating dwarves?)
Not a success in what it achieved though. Some Government mouthpiece has dismissed the march and has said that no government would change its policies on the strength of a protest march – even one that keenly displays the vastness of public dissent. Really? This from the same Government that crowed with delight when Mubarak stepped down as Egyptian president due to public demand and who have gone to war (let’s call a spade a spade) in Libya to “defend the lives” of those protesting against their current government. Seems, we, the UK people, do not have the same rights or regard in the eyes of our own UK politicians. Our voices in the UK do not count.
Sadly, the side of the story that has claimed the most column inches is the disproportionately small element among the protestors who broke away from the main march to initiate their own agenda on the streets of London. Namely attacking buildings, smashing shop windows, letting loose industrial sized fireworks in crowds containing small children and grinding their stupid little crotches above the porticoes of high profile edifices when they knew the news teams were filming.
Twats. The lot of them.
One overriding image I have in my mind is watching some beleaguered news reporter trying to deliver his piece to camera while some cock in a hoodie danced in the background and waved his V’s in the air whilst shouting some guff about “revolution”.
Oh please. Not that old lame warhorse? I’m all for ideals and the hopeful aspirations of the young but really? Class war? Anarchy? Smash the system? Have people really not moved on from the 80’s, the 70’s, the 60’s ad infinitum? Plainly not. Because yet again here are the same half baked ideas being spouted and held up as justification for a good ruck with the coppers by the same dirty looking dickheads that have plagued every generation since the invention of the dick. The same flimsy political understanding being used as motivation to go on the rampage like giant 2 year olds and smash up some windows and lob a few bricks. British Bulldog anyone?
My first thought wasn’t, ooh that guy is protesting for my rights; he’s standing up for my freedoms. It was: great, there’s a stupid looking cock on my TV, wasting my license money, spouting the same hackneyed political garbage that used to infect the common room at my 6th form and only inspired the crusty looking dope-head in the corner who had joined the Socialist Worker party the year before and thought he was destined to be the next Karl Marx.
Twat. Twat. Twat.
These idiots have merely overturned all the good the legitimate march might have achieved. They’ve undercut the whole thing. Carnival atmosphere? A public grotesquery more like. A bestiary.
What also annoys me most is how blind these fools were in their targets. Some of the banking corporations they hit did not deserve the slander of these oafs. Some of them had actually been prudent and honourable throughout the current economic crisis and looked after their customer’s money. But no. These dunderheads were so high on the sound of their own primitivistic protest they didn’t care. They just wanted to smash and kick and destroy. And oh yes let’s lob a few humungous fireworks at the shoppers passing by and see if we can blind some of the children. Look, Mr Cameron! Look what you have made us do! Hulk smash!
You know what? I grew out of “anarchy” and “class war” about 3 hours after I first heard about it. I may not have been the brightest of teenagers but I could still tell a big steaming pile of shit by its smell.
And I can still tell a fuckwit by the faces he pulls in front of a BBC news camera crew.
And that includes you as well, Cameron.
Steve for PM.
You'd get my vote for sure.
Trish and LCM: shucks, ladies, you're making me blush!
Man you write well!
Suzanne: you have just made my week - and it's only Monday!
Thank you,my thoughts exactly.I am not as eloquent as you Steve so I am grateful that somebody is out there that can put pen to paper(or fingers to keyboard) so well.
Ally: it's comforting to know that I am not alone in my views.
Absolutely agree. Morons. Tossers. Fuckwits - is too kind I think - they don't even get off self-loving! x
Vix: ouch! It'll be hard to trump that!
I missed it! Aargh! I am losing touch. I need to get my head out my arse - at least you are here to keep me abreast!! Thank you ;)
Apes like these are certainly going to do nothing practical to answer the question...if government can so easily despise a public expression of anger, what can be done to make the so and sos actually responsible to the people?
Don't get these complaints about the should have seen C Division in action in the sixties.
MMM: I'm just the man on the button at the heart of the pulse of the nation.
The fly in the web: to be honest some of those ruffians could have done with a damned good kicking.
Great post. Thank you for keeping me updated here in the US. Its nice to see that its just as fucked up as it was when I moved!
Bridget: if anything, it's slightly more so.
I wasn't entirely offened when I switched the TV on to see someone kicking in the window of a bank that had recently given me reason to wish to do precisely the same thing. I didn't know anything about the protests, I just assumed he'd also tried to get his credit card activated. Sorry my mistake.
Kelloggsville: everyone knows you need three forms of ID before attempting to kick in a bank window when activating a new card...
There's no need to bring apes into it, Ms Fly in the web. We have nothing against banks and only smash stuff that gets in our way. I would throw those ruffians to the baboons if they turned up in my neighbourhood.
Those dickheads are the same ones who blame everybody else for their uunemployment/drug habit/prison stay and piss me off greatly...
Gorilla Bananas: to be honest if my bank was run by apes I'd rest a lot easier as regards my finances.
Libby: nice to know I'm not alone.
Great post. I was horrified by the awful behaviour, they don't care about the reason behind the march they just want to fight and cause mayhem. It's disgusting
Livi: and still our politicians don't listen. Maybe we need to appeal to the UN for help? Maybe they could enforce a no-fly zone over the UK? ;-)
I'm with London City Mum.
Tenon_Saw: two votes, eh? Technically that's two more than the coalition government...
The protests made the news in Australia too, but it focussed purely on the "anarchists". Violence while protesting is so counterproductive, dickheads.
Another great post Steve x
I'm glad that's out of your system.
Good last line!
Bigwords is: that's the trouble - it's all too easy to ignore the legitimate concerns of the protestors when some goon smashes a shop window.
Mark: sadly it's not out of the system.
I've never understood buffoons who do that sort of thing. If they're there to march, just effing march will ya?! The image you strike of the idjit in form 6 is such an accurate one.
Goes to show that the dumbing down of the education system has worked doesn't it? The sad thing is that these people are disenfranchised, feel they have nothing to contribute to society so they don't care either way. The saddest thing is that there seems to be no real mechanism for 'ordinary people' who intensly disagree with governments to have an effective voice.
Being Me: this is the sad thing; those that went to march did just that and were entirely peaceful. Sadly their ranks were infiltrated by a group of idiots who had seperate plans for the day, broke off from the main group and then caused mayhem elsewhere. The event was hijacked.
Amanda: "The saddest thing is that there seems to be no real mechanism for 'ordinary people' who intensly disagree with governments to have an effective voice..." absolutely. I'd honestly have more say about my government if I was Eqyptian or Libyan - but of course then the UK Government would be sticking up for my rights from afar.
You said it! And I don't disagree with a single word.
Nota Bene: it seems we have an accord, sir!
Oh Steve, I do so love it when you go off on one. I couldn't agree more with everything you said.If you make PM can I be your private secretary or is it only the queen who has one? Never mind, you'd be PM you could do what you like. Babytooth Cameron does.
Wylye Girl: you may, of course, be my private secretary provided you keep me topped up with hot chocolate, Lego and fix my expense account so it looks like I've been a good boy.
Trouble is, in the cold warped light of a peaceful protest day, the camera, unlike Cameron, is king. Cameras love ‘fuckwits’ – and ‘fuckwits love cameras, although the front of house ‘fuckwits’ are so effing ‘fuckwitted’ they’ll never grasp the real reasons why.
The media barons know though, as do the numerous princes of kingdoms of darkness who gloat and snigger from the shadows. The camera is the proverbial rubber necker. Always focussed on the car crash and never the size and state of the traffic queue out front. But it’s thankfully not a broad and accurate view of the state and mentality of the masses. Not by a very long march.
The price of existence in a peaceful but insolvent democracy is four years. Four years of impotence, frustration and ‘fuckwits’ despairingly stealing our headlines.
Phil: eloquently put, dear sir, the camera does indeed love a fuckwit as does the press and, so it would seem, do the ballot boxes. I look forward to the day when the village idiot in the stocks is ignored by the masses rather than singled out for attention. Then perhaps he might go away.
Hey Steve, at your most eloquent heights here.
And if this is Steve making a well-reasoned, calm, logical argument about the nimwits out there, I would hate to see you really pissed off about something. I think I'd take cover in a deep cellar somewhere.
The unfortunate truth of the matter is we have given rise to an entire generation with a large, far too large, percentage of hemorrhoids-for-brains type fuckwits running around loose and acting like barbaric apes. No, sorry, that is an insult to apes. Acting like malignant tumors and just as popular with reasonable people. Acting like decaying putrescent piles of canine excrement... making a mess of the city sidewalk.
And it's probably a good thing you weren't in London, if you'd come face to face with any of these thugs, the world might be dealing with a second nuclear catastrophe right now...
Owen: funnily enough I was tempted to coin the ol' Kenny Everett catch-phrase of "let's round 'em all up, put 'em in a field and bomb the bastards!" but I felt it might be counterproductive.
You get troublemakers at any gathering, whether a footie match or a protest march.
The REALLY annoying thing is how these people are the news according to the media. They simply don't care about the law-abiding, boring majority.
However you could say it's largely media incitement that a minority of people feel the need to do something dramatic, because they are not deemed newsworthy if they don't.
Laura: sadly I think you're right; who wants to read about a protest march where people just walk up and down the street a bit...? Much more exciting if they kick in the windows of Accessorize and Monsoon. Sadly the message gets lost in the newsmen's feeding frenzy.
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