Ostensibly this gives social networking web site owners a little protection against libel suits that may result from complainants taking objection to something web users may write or publish about the complainant on such web sites. If the web site owners identify the “troll” they themselves won’t get sued.
On the face of it, it is a good idea. It makes the right people accountable for their words and actions. I’m sure the owners of Twitter and Facebook et al will breathe huge sighs of relief if the bill gets approved.
But what does it mean for the rest of us?
Libel is a strange beast. People – particularly minor celebs with major egos – like to sue for it at the merest provocation. Even big celebs have been known to pay off mortgages on second homes with a well won libel suit.
But it’s one thing to sue a multinational newspaper but what about an average-Joe Twitter user? What about suing a blogger? What about suing the likes of you or me?
I guess we all need to be careful about what we say or write from now on. We all need to be clear about what is mere opinion and what is untruth or unsupportable truth.
Because part of the deal with this bill is that the complainant has to show that they have suffered serious harm to their reputations, or are likely to do so before they can take their defamation case forward.
I feel rather ambivalent on this issue, I must admit. Lord knows I have no respect for someone who prints lies and untruths and says that so-and-so shagged so-and-so with a hastily bought legume from Tesco just because they wanted to enjoy the emotional fall-out and social trauma that ensued. But at the same time I reserve the right to say that so-and-so is an utter arse with the brain of a Eurovision songwriter and deserves to be knocked verbally into a cocked hat if that is my personal take on the matter. Lord knows I have given the likes of Russell Brand, Eamonn Holmes and, just recently, Gary Barlow a right Royal drubbing on this here blog and done it with hyperbolic gusto.
But what if these guys feel I have damaged their reputation?
I mean, God knows my opinion is the only one that matters and careers are made or broken on my most nonchalant say-so. I am the all-powerful uber-blogger, after all.
But what if Russell Brand blames me for the break-up of his marriage and the loss of his virility? What then, huh?
Whoa! Whoa! That last bit was just a joke, OK? I’m sure Russ is as permanently randy as an IT student at a Spearmint Rhino half price night but you see how easy it is to fall into this libel trap? I make a non-serious joke about Russell Brand’s completely un-alleged flagging bedroom prowess and suddenly I’m libel fodder. Even though it was plainly a jape and just a device to express my opinion and imagine how worse it could have been if I’d rung him up and left him a telephone message saying that his old man drooped worse than an end-of-season bungee rope? I don’t think a bunch of flowers and an apology would get my arse out of the flames quick enough. My goose would be well and truly cooked. And my bank account plundered and dumped quicker than one of Russell’s ex-girlfriends.
So what’s the answer?
Well, it’s simple.
We have all got to start being nice to each other. And more importantly than that: nice about each other.
I know. Terrible, isn’t it?
What the hell are we all going to write about?
No slagging of slebs? Another nail in my blogging coffin then....
Well that's the end of my blogging days, then...
Damn! Good point! Just as I was thinking my blog is getting too nicey nice... and that I'll have to vent some of my angers and frustrations... :D though for now I think I'm just a little fish in an ocean, safely tucked away from prying, libel seeking eyes ... I'll have my fingers crossed for you too... : ) x
Very Bored in Catalunya & The fly in the web: it's like all the sunshine has gone out of the world...
Hannah: I know... hitting the big time might be rather troublesome now.
When you say 'each other' do you really mean like between us? I mean, come on Steve, what's a simple 'that post was utter shite' amongst friends?....oh, I see, I'll get me coat then.
Kelloggsville: you'll be hearing from my laywers (as soon as the High Court lifts the superinjunction).
Of course he's impotent, do you think Katie Perry would have left him if he still had lead in his pencil? If anyone sues you, just shave off your beard and join the Hari Krishnas.
Gorilla Bananas: I'd happily join The Osmonds now that I know I'm right about Russell.
I'm suing you. Just in case.
Being nice? Thats bad news!
Nota Bene: fine. Consider yourself badmouthed.
Suburbia: it's the end of blogging!
Hmmm... may as well shut my blog down. Oh. Wait. To be libel it has to be untrue. Never mind!
Wanderlust: truth will out. ;-)
Oh no, no, no. That will never keep. And what's this? Did that thing with the legume from Tesco's really happen? I live in the wrong country. Or read the wrong tabloids.
Being Me: you just shop in the wrong stores...
I made a decision with my blogging many years ago to only be rude about my husband. So as long as he doesn't think I've ruined his reputation, I think I'm in the clear.
Trish: fantastic! Can I be rude about your husband too?
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